besides the U.S. VP debate, good ol' canada had a debate as well. didn't catch a lick. i have no clue who i'm voting for. All i know are just bits and pieces i've put together from news coverage (canada needs a CNN, fuck global). like many people are saying around here, it's more of a matter of who NOT to vote for.
Not Harper and the Conservatives. he completely cut off funding for the arts, practically is Bush's bitch, and used up all of canada's surplus.
Gilles Duceppe and the Bloc, though the heavy favorite in montreal (and all over quebec obviously) aren't as dominate this year, with the lack of change in the face of growing expenses. bus fares, gas prices, and food prices are steadily going up without any type of relief.
Stephane Dion and the Liberals, are the closest to getting my check mark. a native montrealer supporting the arts, and his go-green carbon tax are great sellers. but his platform may be the most expensive tax-wise for everyone. it costs money to go green.
Jack Layton and the NDP? Fuck Toronto.
Elizabeth May and the Green Party is, honestly, a waste of a vote. and maybe which is why i think i'll vote for them. great thing about them is that they fit the profile of being the people's voice. they have the socially conscious and even-more-liberal 30 and under demographic. but that's like saying they own the kids table at a wedding or bar mitzvah or something. like the Bloc, they're more focused on their immediate area. they dont have that international presence, i can't see them getting dirty with North Korea or Iran. all of which i like. fix things here, fuck the world.

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