Wednesday, September 17, 2008

my champlain bridge

im on the US election hype. as for the Canadian election, not so much. until now. news revolving around a particular bridge that i use twice a day for the past 5 years has come up. word on the street is that my Champlain Bridge, the connection between the south shore (4-5-0 ye-yea!) and the island of montreal, is an issue that has weight in the upcoming elections. The Bloc owns the south, and if the Liberals and Conservatives want any love here, they're aiming to get it with plans on fixing the bridge. tear it down and build a new super bridge? sounds awesome. if it can be done in a day, im down. but construction downtime is a bitch and it'll take years to build a new frign bridge. not sure if all that hassle is worth it, no matter how awesome it'll be in the end. during construction, i'll have no clue how i'll get unto the island. even if i take the bus, it would be close to an hour long detour. Point is, i have reason to follow this Canadian election.

peep the story here.

FYI: I voted for Harper. this time around, i doubt it. whoever shows the school system love can count me in.

P.S. This reminds me of last week. i was walkin to school and passed an innocent apartment complex, and at that moment i locked eyes with a man walking out the door. Ex-Prime Minister Brian Mulroney! i think. he appeared he was expecting me to approach him cause i recognized him. fug that. easy homie, i don't know you like that. walkin away, all i kept thinkin was: "Your son' a douche!"

P.S.S. This also reminds me of another coincidence. last summer i was pickin up a friend at a hotel downtown, and while i pulled up to the front door, out comes a man with his wife (i suppose). i recognized his face but didn't know his name. afterwards, i told my friend and we tried figuring out who he was. i didnt even know what party he was affiliated with. it was the NDP leader Jack Layton. go figure.

o canaduh!

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