taking 4 classes at dawson in lab tech:
pre-cal: my teacher is pretty hot. either my desperation level is affecting my standards, or yea she is hot... or should i say hot enough? hehehe. ugh.
intro. to lab tech: this is the first class i've ever had that's totally devoted to getting you that money. the class title mislead me to believe there would be lab work involved, but none whatsoever. our classwork is talkin about the industry, how to get the job, what to look for, the status of the market, etc. i soaked it up. my teach also had unique glasses that snapped together at the bridge of his nose. say wha? pimpin.
gen. chemistry: my teacher is originally from sarajevo, an aunty type lady with an accent. nice. interestingly, she partially lost her hearing when her town was bombed. heavy!
my class peers are... meh. and i'm stuck with em for the next 3 years. first off, no hot girls. most are guys, the kind that aren't cool but are nice? jah. couple of aunty types that slow down the class cause they're not familiar with computers. so topics like e-mails and word processing is painful.
i have a familiar face tho from one of my night classes for the prerequisites. Dimitri. he has a lil jr. 'autistic' quality to him. he's like socially inept. he had already ruffled the class a few times. i can stand him, but for three years? from the start, i set him straight. yes i know you, yes i'll work with you, but don't ever bug me. so far so good. nice guy, but in small doses.
in conclusion, i'd take school over work anyday.
yippe-kay-yay motherf*ckas.
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