Thursday, October 16, 2008

federal election 2008

so the Conservatives win once again, falling short of a majority, but doing better than last election and holding more power this time around. and though i previously endorsed the Green Party, a change of heart occurred while following the campaign news in Edmonton. i was convinced that the Liberals had a shot at gaining more influence, so i did what i can. i voted Liberal.

my fam down in Edmonton were pretty split actually, my uncle was down with the Conservatives like the rest of Alberta, and his son, my cousin voted for the Liberals. my uncle, humble and wise, an engineer for TransAlta, Alberta's main power/energy company (think HydroQuebec), knew first hand how the Liberals' carbon tax would affect his work and ultimately his paycheck. also the profitability of Fort McMurray, the province's cash cow with their oil sands production. so it was no surprise that all of Alberta was blue.

i knew this was gonna happen. i should've voted Green.

btw: i hope Dion stays on as Liberal leader, i like him. he's 'approachable'.

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