Tuesday, October 9, 2007

big tuesday

had one big day yesterday for school. i spent all monday afternoon/evening in the studio at school to finish up my work for my critique. in a large empty studio, solo, with ipod, i got my work done. fun. and it paid off too. to date, this was my best critique. i'll put up my work once i get my camera (sorry). i dont know what it is, maybe a combination of things, but this painting class is enjoyable. my previous classes had always been awkward and a struggle. anyhow, for once, i was able to share my thoughts and insight coherently (enough) and was happy the entire class (*well the ones that matter) were able to relate to me and my work. not necessarily meaning they liked my paintings, but expressing interest and actually pay attention, though it doesnt sound like much, is a real compliment. so that made my day.

then i got a parking ticket. fuhg!

so i had mcdonalds.

supersized. yums!

even steven. afterwards i had my in-class essay that went well enough. not as smooth as i hoped though. took me a good five minutes to recall my thoughts, and for a second i thought i was having one of those 'blank' moments. but i got it done.

later that evening, did my lab for physics, went home, pigged out on junk, relaxed and passed out easy. done and done.

*burn! matter = students in class who make better paintings than i do.

p.s. just saw this on the news, Doris Salcedo's "Shibboleth" was unveiled, and is essentially a 'sculpted' crack 167 meters in length within the floor of the Tate Modern Museum. heavy. click the pic for more...

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